What is the secret behind this plan of Britain’s PM Sunak? Now ships are being built for people to live


Rishi Sunak, PM of UK - India TV Hindi
Image Source: PTI
Rishi Sunak, PM of UK

What is the secret behind this plan of Britain’s PM Sunak? Now ships are being built for people to live. People usually travel by ship, but now the Prime Minister of Britain is making ships for people to live. You must be surprised to hear this. But it is true. The Prime Minister of Britain has announced to build a ship for illegal immigrants. These migrants will be kept in the ship itself.

Rishi Sunak on Monday claimed that his plan to “stop the boats” of illegal immigrants arriving on UK shores is working and he has called for such migrants to be ferried on ships in a bid to ease pressure on hotels run by taxpayers’ money. It has been announced to keep the same. Speaking to reporters in the Kentish coastal town of Dover, Sunak said one such vessel would be ready by the end of the month and two others that could hold another 1,000 people would follow.What is the secret behind this plan of Britain’s PM Sunak? Now ships are being built for people to live

Illegal entrants will get right to food and stay

The Prime Minister noted that the Illegal Migrants Bill or ‘Stop the Boats Bill’ has been passed by the House of Commons and will now empower his government to detain and deport those who have entered the country illegally. Sunak said, “I promise that we will take illegal immigrants out of hotels and put them in two alternative places, including military installations.” Will also keep The first (ship) will reach Portland next fortnight. We have received two more (vessels) today, which can accommodate another 1,000 people.What is the secret behind this plan of Britain’s PM Sunak? Now ships are being built for people to live

What is the secret behind this plan of Britain’s PM Sunak? Now ships are being built for people to live

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