US Spy Satellites: This is how America will deal with the threats of China and Russia, will soon launch a new spy satellite


US Spy Satellites: This is how America will deal with the threats of China and Russia, will soon launch a new spy satellite. The American space team is going to launch a satellite this summer to track Chinese or Russian space vehicles. Which has the ability to sabotage the objects rotating in the room. America has taken this new step in the midst of the ongoing war in space between the superpowers. If the space crew and analysts are to be believed, the ‘silent barker’ will be the first of its kind network connecting ground-based sensors and low-orbit satellites. This satellite will be installed about 35,400 km above the earth, and will rotate at the same speed, which is known as geosynchronous orbit.

What can silent barker do
According to Bloomberg, the space team that is developing this satellite and the National Reconnaissance Office said in its statement that it will have the ability to warn and signal threats against high-value US systems. Not only this, it will also be able to search, locate and track objects from space to detect danger in time.

US Spy Satellites: This is how America will deal with the threats of China and Russia, will soon launch a new spy satellite.The Silent Barker satellite group will be launched in July. The launch date will be announced 30 days in advance on Facebook and Twitter. Silent Barker is a response to the move by China and Russia in which they have developed a system that is capable of ejecting another satellite as soon as it is launched in orbit. This is the thing that was troubling America.

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“The new satellite constellation will greatly enhance the space crew’s ability to track satellites in orbit that could harm our satellites,” said Sarah Mineiro, former chief of staff of the Strategic Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee that oversees space programs. There will be a dramatic change.

Which step of China threatened America
Silent Barker detects the limitations of ground or low orbit surveillance systems and helps the US know what is going on in space. In the annual assessment this year, the Director of National Intelligence said that China has weapons that target the US and partner satellites. And these operations may possibly be under the PLA military operation.

According to the report of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2022, China’s SJ-21 satellite which was launched in 2021 and later this inactive satellite was pulled into a higher orbit hundreds of miles away. Similarly, Sijian-17, which has a robotic arm, can be used to capture other satellites. Silent Barker will be able to track satellites like SJ-21. The space team and NRO have not given information about how many satellites will be grouped in Silent Barker. It is just information that it will include a multiple space vehicle.US Spy Satellites: This is how America will deal with the threats of China and Russia, will soon launch a new spy satellite.

Tags: america, China, Russia, Satellite


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