
The Man Who Spent $1,244.22 on 464 Slices of New York Pizza Explains What He Learned

New York City's world famous pizza has many qualities and one of them is always cheap.

But not as cheap as before! And now we have definitive proof of that, thanks to 32-year-old freelance reporter Liam Quigley.

The source of his data is rather unorthodox: The source of his data is rather unorthodox: Quigley has been logging every slice of pizza he's personally eaten in New York for the past eight years—that's 494 slices—and recently unveiled his statistics and charts, including an interactive map and a searchable spreadsheet of every slice for all the Internet to consume.

The Nobel Prize committee would be calling him any day now, but needing something to occupy himself in the meantime, Quigley agreed to talk to me about his devastating findings. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

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