
Calculate Your Percentage From Grades Using This Simple Method.


CBSE Result 2023: Calculate Your Percentage from Grades Using This Simple Method

CBSE Result 2023: Calculate Your Percentage from Grades Using This Simple Method – PC : MRP Graphics

CBSE Class 10th and 12th Result 2023: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is going to release the class 10th and class 12th board exam results soon. After the release of the results, about 38 lakh students will be able to see their results. Students can check and download their results by visiting the official website of the board.

CBSE released the class 12th result last year with a grading system. The result of the examination was based on the nine-point scale grading system. It becomes a bit difficult for the students to calculate the exam result in the grading system. That’s why we have come up with an easy way to calculate the result:

CBSE Result 2023: What is the Grading System?

In the grading system, the results of the students are released in the form of grades (A-1, A-2, B1, B2) instead of percentages. Due to this, it becomes a bit difficult for the students to convert their marks into percentages. Let us know this in an easy way. If 1000 students appeared in the exam this year and out of these, 800 passed. First of all, there will be an A+ grade on the basis of merit. Based on the 1/8 formula, the first 100 students out of 800 will get an A-1 grade. Now for the remaining 700 students, again, the 1/8th formula will be applicable and will give an A-2 grade to about 88 students. Out of the remaining 612 students, 76 will get a B-1 grade. Similarly, the formula of 1/8 will be applied to the remaining children. This means 67 students will get a B-2 grade. Similarly, further grading will be done for C-1, C-2, D, and E. Separate points will be given for each grade.

CBSE Result 2023: How Many Marks in Which Grade?

CBSE releases its exam results on the basis of a nine-point scale grading system. Know how many numbers are there in which grade.

A-1 Grade: A-1 grade is given if the number comes between 91 to 100. Grade points are 10 in this.

A-2 grade: A-2 grade is given if the number is between 81 to 90. Its grade point is 9.

B-1 Grade: B-1 grade is considered when the number comes between 71 to 80. It consists of 8 grade points.

B-2 Grade: B-2 grade is given if the number is between 61 to 70. Grade point is 7 in this.

C-1 Grade: C-1 grade is given if the number comes between 51 to 60. It consists of 6 grade points.

C-2 Grade: C-2 grade is given if the number is between 40 to 50. There are 5 grade points in this.

D Grade: If there are marks between 33 to 40, then D grade is given. Grade point 4 is available in this.

E-1 Grade: This grade is given if the number is between 21 to 32.

E-2 Grade: A number between 00 and 20 is considered an E-2 grade.

CBSE Result 2023: How to Calculate the Percentage

After calculating all the numbers, students need to multiply their CGPA score by 9.5. If your CGPA score is 8.8, then you have to multiply 8.8 by 9.5. So your overall percentage will be 9.5*8.8 = 83.6%.

CBSE Result 2023: Check Results on These Websites

The candidates can check the CBSE Class 10th and 12th result 2023 on the following websites:



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