
Question and answers on Share Market. Easy to know share market terms,nse and bse, Timings of BSE AND NSE.

Question and answers on Share Market. Easy to know share market terms,nse and bse, Timings of BSE AND NSE.

Question and answers on Share Market. Easy to know share market terms.

Question and answers on Share Market. Easy to know share market terms,nse and bse, Timings of BSE AND NSE.

Question and answers on Share Market. Easy to know share market terms,nse and bse, Timings of BSE AND NSE.

Que: What is BSE?
Ans: BSE is an index wherein 30 stocks of the company are taken for calculation of weight-age. we can trade in the listed stock on The BSE.

Que: What is a Full form of BSE?
Ans: Full form of BSE is the Bombay stock exchange.

Que: Future and option trading can be done on BSE(Bombay stock exchange)?
: No, this service is not offered by the Bombay stock exchange

Que: How can we do trading on BSE(Bombay stock exchange)?
buying and selling the stock on cash segments or spot segments.

Que: where is the Bombay stock exchange located?
Ans: Bombay stock exchange is located in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Que: What are the timings of (the BSE)Bombay stock exchange?
Ans: the market opens at 9.15 Am and closes at 3.30 pm.

Question and answers on Share Market. Easy to know share market terms,nse and bse, Timings of BSE AND NSE.

Que: Working day of BSE?
Ans: Bombay Stock exchange working days are 5 days a week. it works from Monday to Friday.

Que: Which holidays apply to BSE(Bombay Stock Exchange)?
Ans: All government-declared holiday applies to BSE.

Que: When was (BSE) Bombay stock exchange established?
Ans: Bombay stock exchange was established in 1875.

Que: When can I sell the stock after buying?
Ans: Immediately can be sold the stock after buying, there are no restrictions on selling or buying. if you are in profit after buying a stock then you can sell immediately otherwise wait for the profit.

Que: What is NSE?
Ans: NSE is an index wherein 50 stocks of the company are taken for calculation of weightage. we can trade in the listed stock on The NSE.

Que: What is the Full form of NSE?
Full form of NSE is the National stock exchange.

Que: Future and option trading can be done on NSE(National stock exchange)?
Ans: yes, this service is offered by the National stock exchange

Que: How can we do trading on NSE(National stock exchange)?
buying and selling the stock on cash segments /spot segments or future and option.

Que: Where is the NSE(National stock exchange) located?
Ans: National stock exchange is located in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Que: What are the timings of the NSE(National stock exchange)?
Ans: the market opens at 9.15 Am and closes at 3.30 pm.

Question and answers on Share Market. Easy to know share market terms,nse and bse, Timings of BSE AND NSE.
Que: Working day of NSE(National stock exchange)?
National Stock exchange working days are 5 days a week. it works from Monday to Friday.

Que: Which holidays apply to NSE(National Stock Exchange)?
: All government-declared holiday applies to NSE.

Que: When NSE (National stock exchange) established?
Ans: National stock exchange was established in 1992.

Que: What is Intraday in the share market?
Ans: Intraday means buying and selling shares for only one day.

Que: What is the cash segment or market?
Ans: cash segment of the share market means nothing but buying and selling the share on BSE, not on future and options.

Que: can we do trading after the closing of the market?
No, we can not do trading after closing Hours of the market.

Que: How can I do trading in the share market?
Ans: first open a Demat account, through Demat account we can do trading.

Que : How I invest the money in share market?
Ans : after doing good study of technical and fundamental of the stock.

Que: can I buy single share in future and option?
No, you can buy a single share in future and option. In future and option you have buy in a lot of stock. there is lot size of each stock and it is well-defined by SEBI.

Que : can I buy different strike price of the future contract?
Ans: Yes, you are free to buy any strike price of the future contract.

Question and answers on Share Market. Easy to know share market terms,nse and bse, Timings of BSE AND NSE.

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